Saturday, March 31, 2007

Day 2-23.03.2007

I woke up at 8:00 though I slept late. It is interesting to see how places change habits. In Istanbul I had lost controll of my life and would sleep in the morning and could not wake up before somebody woke me up. Here, I cannot sleep till midnight, but i wake up early in the morning. I hope this will not change after Sunday when they will arrange the hours according to the summertime.
Last night I misunderstood Liza when she called me by the phone at the hotel. I thought she asked me if I would like to go totheir village Kutol till Sunday this evening but she had said "utra" which i realised was "morning". I also had promised to be in Demographia for registration to the university at 10. Liza arrived at 8:30, and I had to say her I cannot come. Than she left, and I left for Demographia, again having a coffee with Maxim at the Ministry before that. They wrote me a paper saying I am the guest of Demographia and that they will pay for my stay at the hotel. I took back my passport from the hotel and took it to Demographia. They told me I should go to check up at the hospital at 2:30.
Erkan showed me the way to the restaurant opened by returnees from Turkey- called Antalya. I had Turkish Pide with Cheese and Sok (Juice) for 140 Rubles. The Juice is half a litre- not only a single glass.
Just as I was leaving I heard some guys talking in Turkish. Met Erdoрan and Turgut. They deal with some construction works. Erdoрan is living with his family and they returned a while ago. He has 2 girl sisters- Yeliz, an English Teacher and Filiz is a student of Abhaz language. Turgut is a new returnee- originally from Bilecik and he does not want to return back to Turkey. He said he wants to die here...
Than I met Okan, from Hendek. Came here during the war, saw his two borthers die, left Abkhazia for 6 years; but returned recently back to Abkhazia. Also I met Kavkaz, who blaimed his granny for giving him such a name that he has to carry so much responsibility. (Considering the paper I wrote about name giving traditions in Abkhaz and Adyge communities in Adpazarэ-Dьzce region he would have been a good example.)
I left for the hospital but when I arrived to Demographia I learned that the hospital was off on Friday afternoon. Registration was left to Monday... Wished I had gone to Kutol. However Liza had also returned from Kutol because she had to do somethings. She asked me to her house again but I said later. Anyway, together with Liza we went to see a flat that belonged to somebody Okan knew. They asked for 3000 Rubles. Top floor, single room, nice view, little balcony, new fridge, tv, no hot water (and maybe no water- i did not get that very clear) but promised to build the water pipes and I could get a heater for myself. All payments included at the rent- electricity, water, taxes, etc... Floor wooden (clean), wallpapered (not bad) and an average door (would be safe э guess because we could not even open it from inside). Said I will think.
At the internet cafe where Liza worked we came across another relative of Hayri who too us to Eteri- another close relative. Eteri showed me a flat in her appartment. 2000 Rubles for a room with bed, table, broken tv that will be repaired soon, working fridge and heater, all things that I may need. There is water but no heater so Eteri told me I can use her place to wash. This house seems safer since you enter one hall and than on the right the tenders house and left mine. Disadvantage: telephone will be shared- wonder if I can take another line?...
Later that day, I met with Gkecpha Selin and Sinejan. Selin came to study here 4 months ago. She has build her life, she had a housemate Jansel but since Jansel had to leave she lives alone. Everybody repeats to me that I should stay with her but I do not want to destroy her life, also that way we can never improve our languages. We will communicate in Turkish and all year goes to rubbish!
Anyway with them we had a dinner- hachapuri and tea- 50 Rubles each! I also met Tuрcan, another returnee here for about 8 months now. Sinejan is the daughter of a returnee family and is in Abkhazia for 4-5 years. After dinner they left me to the hotel. It was nice time we had but they told me I can find very good places for 2000 Rubles and now I have a question mark. Should I take the place or not hurry????