Monday, August 10, 2009

It has been a long time since i wrote. I promised myself to not to give so much break any more. First of all I dont have the excuse for bad internet connection. Because we have the 3G technology in Abkhazia which brought fast internet connection for affordable (not cheap but just affordable) prices. So i can upload pictures in minutes, post a blog post in seconds. Write online (i used to write offline and than posted which was a lot of trouble for a blog, i mean the meaning of a blog is writing realtime isnt it?)
Anyway, 3G is not the only change in Abkhazia. To summarize the last year shortly, Abkhazia's recognition brought people happiness, wisdom, power to make a change in their own lives, infrastructure (progress not full infrastructure), peace, unity, comfort and so many other things. The change is faster and stronger, so are the challenges but people care to make things better which is good.
About my personal life, I got married, we are trying to build a house, started raising vegetables in our garden (which is a job i hate from heart), watched a lot of new serials (chuck, true blood, supernatural being my new favorites) and movies, bought a satellite tv which connects us to the world i have not missed to hear about (theft, murder, war, political fights, inequality, poverty, economic crisis are not things you would miss to hear about the world), traveled back and forth to istanbul, traveled to nalchik, printed 1000 questionnaires in the lowest quality office printer due to lack of resources, entered a job, quit a job, started my own research business, got new friends, got angry to friends, had fun with friends, missed old friends, wrote many proposals for phd, wrote many letters to many people, did not hear many responses, among the responses could not find anything to make me send any of my proposals, changed departments to apply, changed sub topics for my study, changed method of research, gave methods of social research trainings, made the first country wide scientific political participation survey with 1134 sample size, wrote a book for the training, wrote stories that i never finished, thought of poems that were never typed, wrote articles, got interviewed, made interviews, organized a photo exhibition, shot a short movie for 21 May- Remembrance Day of the Caucasian Exile, been to exhibitions, been to concerts, missed movies, missed concerts, missed teaching, missed writing, missed dreaming, missed writing on my blog....
So i hope to be more active in writing from now on...
I dont know where to start. I will find out. Soon!