Thursday, August 14, 2008

Diaspora Awake!

Caucasian Diaspora in Turkey actively showing reaction to lack of true information in the Turkish media and doing protests against the Georgian government!
What they have done:
*There are several press relases up to now by the federation, associations, foundations etc.

9th August 2008- The Associations in Istanbul came together to judge what is to be done. They decided to establish a Crisis Committee for South Ossetia. The aim founding this Committee is try to organize humanitarian help for Southern Ossetia, inform the press, organize protest etc..

9th August 2008- Protest Against Georgia (Taksim Square-Istanbul-Organized by Jineps (Cuacasian) Newspaper).

10th August- The Caucasus- Ossetian Solidary Committe Founded (It is composed of 7 members- the Chairman is Remzi Yildirim- Who is also an Ossetian in Istanbul).

10th August- The information and press groups of the Solidarity Commitee is founded. There are several miss information in Turkish press and TV. They are talking about those who died like they are Georgians but there is no information about more than 2000 Ossettians who are assassinated during the war, we preapared a document and sent to all newpapers to be used)

11th August- Petition for South Ossetia is opened

13th August 2008- Two Protests and press releases have taken placein front of Georgian Embassy in Ankara and Consulate in Istanbul (In London a group will also decided to the the same yesterday)..Istanbul protest is organized by The Caucasus- Ossetian Solidary Committe, supported by all other organizations (Like the Friends of Abkhazia, The Caucasus Foundation, Abkhaz Cultural Association, The Caucasus Forum, all other organizations in Istanbul and volunteers). Almost 250 people were there. The police did not let the groups to cross the street but the group walked with South Ossetian and Abkhazian flags and the press release is read (slogans like , Peace in The Cuacasus, Independent Abkhazia and Ossetia, we do not want war in our motherlands, Stop Genocid in South South Ossetia etc). .Link: (It is Turkish but you may see the pictures),19896,cerkesler_gurcistani_protesto_etti.htm.

Ankara protest is organized by The Caucasus Federation and Ossetian Forum.